From that same email we heard from about 15 previous clients, who are all talking about visiting Duras in the not-too-distant future.
I sent Sue, our caretaker an email announcing our success and she is delighted that we have gotten the ball rolling. She reports that all the flowers are doing well as she is stopping to water them regularly. I think I picked the perfect person for the job as she is really taking ownership of the situation.
In addition to emailing, I have also placed ads in the Martha's Vineyard Gazette, the Bay Weekly in Annapolis, MD, and here in the Jamestown Press. I have had renting success in all of these small, weekly papers in the past, so I am using the summer tourist season to get the word out again.
Huge congratulations!! I got all excited the other day when I discovered an $850 RT fare from PHL to Paris. . .until I looked at the connections. It actually occurs to me that it may be cheaper to fly out of Boston. So we won't be first, but we'll get there eventually. Hooray for the intternational entrepreneur!