It was exciting to approach Duras on the drive and to see my clocktower from the distance, holding up one end of the town. At my hotel, when I opened the window, the clocktower stands out above the other clay roofs--always there, always a solid form on the horizon. I find that very comforting, not to mention very convenient when giving directions to future visitors.
After my nap, I took a long walk around the perimeter of the town, noticing the views in each direction, the colorful flowers tumbling out of every window box and planter. I noticed a sign for a book festival today at the chateau and see that there are lots of people milling around there.
Now I am sitting in the Cafe de la Paix, same spot where I wore out a couple of chairs on my last visit here. I am enjoying a glass of rose' and a Perrier, and the free wi-fi, and the sounds of happy people talking and smoking and squinting into the sunlight that's tracing an arc above and beyond the chateau.
On my stroll around town, I came upon my house from all possible directions. The prior owners have left me a garden in pots on the sidewalk. There are pansies, begonias and geraniums to help color the town--my begonias, my pansies, my geraniums!
Today I am a tourist and I can be wistful and enjoy my strolls and flowers and rose' and the views. But then there is tomorrow and the helpers, the bank, the appointments. I think I shall have another rose' on this near perfect day, then prepare myself for a week of work.
Simply. . . .blissful!!!