If you want to meet French people, this is really a great place to sit. As the balcony is just above street level, and next to a historic monument, a lot of people walk by. The young people pass with just a nod, but the older folks are very curious about the new resident of the Clocktower Cottage. One very old woman with a walker passed by and asked me a dozen questions about myself. Luckily I knew enough French to exchange pleasantries and explain that I am Americaine and this will be a "maison secondairre."
I got a lot of work done today, including putting on the new slipcovers, adding the new pillows, made by Luisa, and putting a coat of wax on the cabinet in the dining area. I hung some pictures in the livingroom too. There's plenty left to do, but most of it is of a fun, creative nature, rather than the kind of work that requires Aleve to finish.
The livingroom looks good, but I still need one or two side chairs to complete the room. I think after my chores tomorrow, I will poke around a couple of furniture stores to see what I can find.
Time for some R&R for sure! I wish I were there to drink wine and poke around with you. We BOTH need things for our new houses! xoxo L