There were so many healthy and colorful plants at the market, I had trouble deciding on a color scheme. Finally, I chose pink cascading geraniums, white upright geraniums, purple petunias and yellow nemesia. I also tucked seeds of "capuchine" nasturtiums in some of the pots so there will be a nice surprise later on.
It was a perfect day for gardening. About 85 degrees and sunny. I put on my painting smock and proceeded to entertain the entire neighborhood. Several people stopped to say "tres jolie" and offer encouragement.
Just outside my door, a vendor was selling shrubs and fruit trees so I also picked up a spirea and a fig tree to make things interesting.
Oh, wait! We need herbs. We need a tomato!
I drove to the Gamm Vert garden center to pick up another clay pot and a bag of soil. There were some Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes there too. If all goes well, that tomato should feed the entire street.
If this is work, sign me up!