Monday, November 10, 2014

Market day!

Look at moi with my new woven market basket, which I bought this morning. Now it's time to fill it with good tasting foods.

These lovely bright orange squashes are a curiosity and will be a good side, roasted along with the rotisserie chicken I got from the poulet guy.

A chou-fleur is among my favorite veggies. We can have it later in the week with something good from the butcher.

Look at these delicate pink heads of garlic. They are without imperfections of any sort and almost look fake. Someone was selling braids of smoked garlic and I asked to buy just one head to try it, but she would only sell me enough to perfume all of France so I had to pass.

My guy that sells scarves was there today. I reminded him I bought several from him in June, but I gave them all away as gifts. So today I bought one for myself.

We also bought fresh goat cheese, some Morbier cheese and dried sausages--one made of duck and the other studded with dried figs and walnuts.

The whole town is in set up mode for the big Saint Martin's Fair tomorrow. One parking lot is taken up with carnival games. Another is full of amusement rides. Food trucks and sellers of all sorts are securing their spots around town. We found a flyer on our car telling us on which streets parking would be banned so we have already moved our car to the parking lot near the fire station outside the village. I have to admit I am very curious to see what sorts of things happen and who shows up to partake. Expect a full report tomorrow.

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